
Monday, July 14, 2008


God why do I always think my way is better than yours. Everything inside of me knows where to go and what to do, but I TRY to find a way to escape you. I'm slowly learning not to run so far away. It is so exhausting trying to ignore you and to ignore your Spirit.

What I love about you Father is that you are faithful and you never let me escape. You patiently wait well I wrestle with pride and distraction. You convict me to be humble and then lovingly lift me back up. God you are good and your promises are true. Help me to always pursue your way and not my own. I don't want to live my life trying to maintain things, trying to make MY WAY work. I want to give my life to you, I want to depend on you to work things out. Thanks for letting me get to know you.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I have always wondered why distance makes the heart grow fonder? When I'm away from AGO I miss it, when I'm away from home I miss it, when I'm away from camp i miss it, and when I'm away from my best of friends I miss them. When things are taken away from me I begin to appreciate what I have. When I feel distant from God, my heart yearns for His touch!
Why do we have to wait till it's gone before we show our appreciation? I have the tendency to focus on the negative aspect of every situation. I think it's common in our society. It's sad but true. It effects my spiritual life more than I would like.

There are times when I'm not happy with what God has given or taken away. I tend to focus on what has been taken away instead of focusing on what He has given me. That which I don't have becomes so attractive and I take His blessings for granted.

God reminds us to "Be Thankful" over and over again because He knows that we can't enjoy life with Him if we can't appreciate His will. Brothers and Sisters count your blessings and give those closes to you a hug. Be content with where you are. Give your all to where God has placed you. You may not like where you are but see the good and appreciate that. When God calls you elsewhere then follow Him, until then embrace all He has for you where you are and with what you have.

God I pray that I don't always have to be distant from you in order to appreciate your goodness. Lord help me to be content in where you have placed me. I pray that I can learn to love like you my Lord. Mold me and make me more and more like you.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Selfishness kills everything!

It's a murderer of love, joy, peace... We have a very selfish nature that always fails to lead us to true satisfaction.

Selfish ambition is listed in the Bible as a work of the flesh, which is contrary to what God wants to produce in our lives (Galations 5:17-23). God's trying to produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I yearn for these "fruits of the Spirit" but fail to focus on God and then convince myself that I can find love, joy, peace... elsewhere, it's just the easier thing to do.

I have relied on myself and took care of myself for the first 19 years of my life, I'm a creature of habit. It's a real challenge to accept the fact that God will always take care of my needs and that He wants me to rely on Him. I pray that I learn to habitually trust and rely on God. Breaking old habits and forming new ones is a very difficult thing. Nobody wants to change. But the truth is that God wants us to first seek His kingdom and everything else will fall into place (Matt 6:33). It's not; first seek your selfish ambitions.

So let's make it a habit to run to God and seek and accept truth. The truth is God loves us and wants our devotion. We must die to ourself, and we only can do it by relying on the Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit help us. Jesus is our example.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Nick "Burton" Davis 261E , Thank you for being a reflection of Christ in my life and inspiring me to be Christ-like in all my friendships!

Sometimes God will place people in your lives that will inspire and encourage you. My Lil Bro has been one of those people in my life. This is a testimony of God's love in my life. Cheezy, Yes! But I must share how God has worked in and transformed my life through friendship. God has used my brother to lift me up and push me to be all that He has called me to be. Verses like Psalm 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend," became real truth through this friendship. I believe God designed humanity to be interdependent so we can help our brothers' grow toward Christ's likeness. Friends like Burton care about our walk with God and take time to provide spiritual investment. Only God can fulfill us but He uses true friends to influence us and lead us back to Himself. My life has been challenged and enriched by many people in the body of Christ, and Burton has definitely been the most inspiring.

I have been able to watch God move in Burton's life and that has always encouraged me to press on! It reminds me of God's transforming power. Burton has changed immensely since the day that I first met him, I have seen him let God take control. And I have seen God transform his heart and bless his ministry. Think about all the people who inspire you, it's a gift from God!

When I read about Jonathan and King David's friendship in 1 Samuel Chapter 20 I'm amazed how God blessed David through this friendship. Jonathan was a loyal and faithful friend. Jonathan wanted what was best for David (God's will) and put his own interests aside. Jonathan was next in line to inherent the throne, but God anointed David. Instead of letting jealousy get in the way Jonathan chose to love and serve his friend. It is amazing that God gives us friendships that bless us in a similar manner. We all have to be willing to let people come close. It's a risk worth taking especially when the relationship is kept Christ-Centered. One thing that I know I can count on is that Burton will never let me settle for less than God's best. We all need people like this in our lives. Remember that a great person loses their greatness with the lack of accountability (Mango).

David had another God sent friend named Nathan. Nathan spoke truth into King David's life and led him to repent and return to God. Friends like Burton are also people who will speak truth and give you hope in God's redeeming love. There have been plenty of time where Burton has spoke truth into my life and helped me draw closer to God.

Our ultimate example of true friendship is Jesus, John 15:13 "greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." He kept God's will the number one priority. He loved us through self-sacrifice. And He has spoken truth into our lives. The overwhelming truth is that He is alive and well. Friends will come and go but there is one friend that we can count on to be there always and that friend is God (Joshua 1:9). Being a true friend is Being Christ-like!!

God thank you for giving us Christ-Centered friendships! May we all learn to be loyal and faithful friends that seek nothing but God's best. May our influence only lead people to You and Your Glory.

Back to the Basics

The fundamental truths of Christianity have life changing influence. We must not only know these basics mentally but we must also wholeheartedly experience these truths. John 8:31-32 "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A basic principle of Christianity is Christ and the fact that He died on a cross in order to atone for humanities sin. This is a supreme act of God's redeeming LOVE. Recently, God keeps reminding me of His redeeming love and ALL that Christ accomplished on the cross, for me. I can't grasp it all but I'm just okay with basking in that love and deliverance! This simple revealing of His love has changed my life. I have recently been able to pour out a more genuine love. The more I feel loved by God the more compelled I am to love on, and invest in others.

God's perfect love casts out all fear (1John 4:18). For me genuinely loving somebody is always a risk, the risk of getting hurt. I'm always hesitant to love because of that risk, my feelings are too precious to me. My fear of genuinely loving people and investing in people is perpetually diminished as I receive and experience the true understanding of my Father God's perfect love. God has given me so much Joy and Peace and the only explanation is His Grace and Love, for me. Even when I don't see it He is working in my favor. The crazy thing is that I have turned my back on Him and fail to acknowledge and thank Him, yet His Love is unconditional. Experiencing and understanding this truth about God's LOVE is liberating. I'm overwhelmed! There are many mysteries of God, but I'm sure that understanding those mysteries won't bring as much life transformation as understanding God's basic truths.

To be honest I struggle with truly and passionately believing everything that I mentally know about God. It's because there is a difference between knowing in my head and knowing in my heart. Passion and conviction come from knowledge in our heart. It's also true that real heartfelt knowledge comes from experience and application. I can only grasp God when I encounter Him and experience His attributes. Most times there are things in my life (pride, selfishness, distractions) that hinder me from experiencing God's basics. Sometimes I get too wrapped up in wanting to know everything mentally, when God is trying to speak to my heart. Yes God wants our minds too, but life transformation happens in the heart! It starts with the mind but the heart must follow!

It is our human nature to complicate things but I'm striving to go Back to the Basics and restart from there. I want to daily encounter God with an open heart and allow Him to transform both my mind and heart. The struggle of giving Him my full attention will continue but I know that my choice to follow God intimately, the more His truths will be revealed. These revelations of basic truths will undoubtedly make me free to follow His will wholeheartedly.

Father God thank you for truth, liberation, LOVE and hope! May we all use what you have given us to bless the world. May we fight with truth, worship with liberation, do with love, and live with hope; all for Your Glory!!!

SuaVe 248E